Sempena cuti raya ini tadi, 10-12 September, say atelah pergi ke AIR ITAM AMPANGAN, untuk khemah Gereja Hope Penang yang bertemakan " DIVINE EXCHANGE" . Maksudnya pertukaran Ilahi, kehidupan yang diubahkan oleh Tuhan sepenuhnya menjadi CIPTAAN BARU. Pada hari pertama Khemah kami ada TELEMATCH, saya mengenggotai kumpulan HIJAU( Galtian) dan ada tiga lagi pasukan iaitu merah, biru, dan Kuning. Permain yang pertama yang kami main iaitu " tak pasti nama game tu" wakakkakak tapi yang pasti seronok. Speaker kami pada malam itu adalah PASTOR MOSES. Apa yang kami belajar adalah :
Lesson 1: Divine Exchange
Isa 53: 1-12
Areas that are damaged and requiring restoration
A) Relationship between us and God
- Gen 3:8
B) Relationship one with another
- Gen 3:16, 3:12
2. Mindset and worldview
Titus1:15- both their minds and consciences are corrupted.
3. Physical health
- Gen3:22, Psa 38:3
4. Emotional wellbeing
- Gen 3:10, Psa 38:4
5. Economic stability
- Gen 3:17-19
6. Environment
> Natural disasters
> Global warming, earth quake etc
Divine Exchange by Jesus
Ø Galatians 3;13
1.Jesus was punished that we might be forgiven
-Isa 53: 4-5
2. Jesus was wounded that we might be healed
- mat 8:16-17
-1Pet 2:24
3. Jesus was made sin that we might be righteous
-Rom 3:22-24
4.Jesus died that we might receive His life
There are 2 aspects of life:
-our current life-living a life according to the spirit
5. Jesus endured poverty that we might share in His abundance
-2.cor 8;9
-2 cor 9:8
-Abundance life-wecaere satisfied
6. Jesus bore our shame that we might share His glory
-1 cor15:42
7. Jesus endured our rejection that we might have acceptance with the Father
8. jesus was made a curse that we might enter into His blessings
-gal 3:13-14
A)We are God’s children
B)Receive the holy spirit
C)Favour from God-a great nation and a blessing to others
-gen 12:2
Lesson 2: Haow to pass curse to blessing
Ob: Reclaiming the blessing and fruitfulness taht is promised from the word of God
2 cor 4:18
2 cor 10:3. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
1. God- the only source of blessings
Deu 28:1
Criteria to obtain Gods blessing is to obey and follow His word
James 1:17, gen 12:2,3
The key to unlock god’s blessing is obedience and faith
Gen 22:17
Sign of God blessing ( deu 28;1-14)
- Exaltion
- Good health
- Productive
- Prosperity
- Victory
- God’s favour
(v.13) The lord will head and not tail
Signs of curses ( Deu 28:15-68)
- Humilation
- Failure to reproduce on any arears
- Mental and phyisical
2. The sources of curses
a. God can be source of curseto those who:
- Worship the idol - Exodus 20:3-5
- Dishonour their parents ( Deu 27:16)
- Life without intergrity and justice ( Deu 27:17)
- Selfish ang neglect the house of God ( Hag 1:4)
- Llicitit or Unnatural sex
b. Man of God
2 sam 1:21
Pada petang hari kedua kami ada beberapa telemacth iaitu pukul bola lepas pusing-pusing 5 kali..PENING nyer tahau wakakka. saya terhumbang jatuh lepas pusing2..tapi tak seteruk seseorang yang pesan hahahhahahahaha ( IBBE U SO COOL) wakakkakak. Selepas itu kami main game bawa Limau dengan muka dengan oasang kami. Selanjutnya kami bermain meniup tepung dan mencari patah perkataan dalam tepung itu sambil mencari ayat yang dituliskan dalam Alkitab. Ahkir sekali kami bermain lumba bawa bola Ping-Pong..anyway saya peserta yang bawa bola terakhir dan bawa kumpulan saya di tempat kedua. Saya sangat tak puas dengan GAME MASTER dia orang main tipu punya , masa nak habis mereka kata siapa yang dapat lari ke garisan permulaan mereka kan dapat markah bonus..namun ..tak ada huahua..sedih ho ho..
Pada malam yang kedua itu kuasa Tuhan sangat nyata apabila urapan Roh Kudus turun, hadirat nyata sungguh mulia dan penorbosan roh telah terjadi. Kuasa Tuhan sangat hebat. Haleluya. Dan pada malam tersebut kami belajar tentang: menerima kuasa Tuhan dua kali ganda dan bagaimana kita harus mendapatkan nya. Panggilan Tuhan harus jelas dalam kehidupan kita.
The Journey to the double Portion of God – 2 Kings 2:1-15
- God is loking for for a people full of passion
- Christ followers are passionate
- Christ follwers are people who burn with a passion to serve God and others.
- One thing that really makes a difference between God’s instituion
We need anointing to
- Minister to God
- Minister to the people
- Demonestrate
A. Characteristics of those who will receive DOUBLE portion
1. Respond Seriously to God’s call
- Strong determination to be used by God
- Respond whole heartedly to God’s call
- John 4:34, Kings 19:19-21, Act 20:24, Phil 3:7-8
2. Right relationship
- A) God
- Our Lives must be righteous before God
- B)Our Leader
- Come under the divine authority
- Good follower
- Then he set out to follow Elijah and become his attendant
3. Desire to do more for God
- Desire to be more anointed in order to be more effective
- Elisha would not leave Elijah until he received the anointing
1. Gilgal: Consecretion, set apart (V.1)
- Eph 4:22-24
2. Bethel: Living in the presence of god (v.2)
- Ps 5:3, Ps 1:1-2
3. Jericho: Overcome, Victory(v.4)
Jordan river: experiencing Go
Pada hari Ahad juga sangat bermakna, kerana kami juga menyambut ulang Tahun Gereja yang ke 15 tahun di Penang. Dalam Khotbahan hari Minggu juga kami telah mempelajari tentang mengapa Gereja wujud dan peranan kita sebagai umat Tuhan dalam mengerjakan VISINYA.
Philipi: 4:13
Luke 10:25-27
Jesus was questioned by the expert of the law
- His motive was to TEST Jesus
God’s call for the church ( Luke 10:25-37)
Why Church exsist?
1.We are called to Love God(v.25-28)
- Eph 5:1, 1 cor 11:1
- Therefore if we are to be imitators of christ, we need to stop ACT like Christian( External actions) & instead focus on being a Christian.
- John 1:14, Isa 29:13, 1 Sam 16
2. We are called to love one-another(V. 29-37)
Love your neighbor as yourself.(27)
Question: Who is my Neighbor?
Num 15:15, Deut 1:16, Luke 10:2 – Tuaian banyak tetapi pekerja sedikit , Rom 1:16- everyone need to involve , Rom 2:10
People are the GOAL- people are not an interruption in our lives, they are why we are here.
It is all for ACTION. Refusing
Mat 9: 36-37
The critical difference between the Samarian, the priest and the Levites is COMPASSION
Compassion , it always lead us to ACTION.
Satu lagi yang sanagat menyentuh saya apabila saya dalam bengkel Sidang Gereja BM. kami berkongsi dan beban untuk kaum bumiputra dalam bersama2 membawa kasih Tuhan dan bekerja untuk Gerijanya. Semoga Tuhan memberikan kepimpinan yang kuat kepada jemaat BM. Dan inilah ciri pemimpin yang kita inginkan:
1 Tesalonika 2:7-12
Peribadi seorang pemimpin
1. Peramah – percakapan kita harus dimurnikan
2. Kasih
- kasih yg ikhlas (Genuin Love)
- Kasih seoarang ibu diberikan tanpa mengharapkan pulangan
- Kita harus melabur
3. Kehidupan yg terbuka ( transprants)
- Jangan jadi prinsip tcouh n go
- Jangan berpura2
4. Bekerja keras
- Kerja siang malam
5. Kerohanian yang sejati
6. Pengaruh yang positif
Keseluruhan kem sangat baik, apayang saya tak dapat lupakan dalam kem adalah FELLOWSHIP dengan brother yang lain hu hu hu...Cheers Have a GOOD TIme..dan semasa Puji Sembah saya sangat merasakan satu lagu yang saya rasakan sangat bermakna " RESCUE" I NEED U JESS TO BE MY RESCUE.
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